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天津津南区搬场公司2016届天津市红桥区高三下学期二模英语试卷.doc全文免费在线阅 Click: Release:济南搬家公司电话 Posttime:2021-07-27


     Tiaji Hogqiao District Seior three secod semester Eglish test paper. Page 1 Tiaji Hogqiao District Seior three secod semester Eglish secod editio test paper (total score 130, test time 100 miutes) Volume 1 (full score 95) part 1: Eglish kowledge use (full score 45) Sectio 1: fill i the blaks (a total of 15 small questios, 1 poit per small questio, full score 15 poits), from the four optios of A, B, C, D to select the best optio to fill i the blaks. 1. Excuse me, ca you tell me where to call I'm sorry, I'm a strager here. -A. Thak you. I'm sorry. Thak you. I'm sorry to hear that. Some researchers poit out that daydreamig is a way to relax. A/A/B. o, o. o, o. The affairs of each coutry should be hadled by its ow people. a. Elected B. Solutio C. Developig coutries iclude 4.-do you kow our tow Of course, this is my third time here. Fitess is very importat, but the most importat thig is skills. -I'm afraid I should go. Goodbye. With the assistace of all parts of the world, the brave Haitia people are boud to ecouter problems caused by the great earthquake. 9. The director told us that it used to be rarely made of waste. Usig D. Item 10. There is o simple aswer to the questios posed to us by a rapidly chagig world, ad we ca try to tur challeges ito opportuities. Here's the thig, but C. Washigto or 11. The studets were aoyed by the way out of school. -i fact, we do't kow whe it will fold. I foud out that ight I had deceived my parets i the Eglish exam last Moday. I'm afraid I'm ot fit for the job, because it takes a lot of patiece to have oly oe job. 14. We wet to the makeup party with them. Whether they ivite us or ot. If they ivite us. The secod part: fill i the blaks (20 questios, 1.5 poits per questio, 30 poits) read the followig paragraphs, master the mai ideas, ad the select the best optios from four of the 16 questios A, B, C ad D. The priest (priest) walked a log way betwee the church meetigs. After a while, a calm voice said: "We do't serve driks right ow because we expect a little turbulece." The P lease is 16. Your seat belt is fasteed. Whe the priest looked at the 17 plaes, it was clear that may of the passegers were 18 years old. Later, the voice said, "I'm sorry, we ca't have 19 meals right ow." The turbulece is still i frot of us. "i the dark sky."




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